
How to wear leggings under a dress

Hello Friends, Today in this article we will talk about how to wear leggings under a dress.
Leggings are the most comfortable bottom wear for women. Everyone has black leggings in their wardrobe, if not then there should be. This is a very versatile outfit. It is available in all Indo western, Indian and Western sub outfits. Some girls are confused about how to style leggings. So don’t worry, I am here for your help, Today we discuss how to wear leggings under a dress.

Leggings can be styled with any outfit like a skirt, mini and midi dress under a long and flared dress, and Kurti. So if you want to know how to style leggings then must follow and read the full article. Most black leggings are comfortable between leggings. It gives emission to your big thighs. You can wear it comfortably all day long. So let’s get started …

With black Kurti

With black Kurti-How to wear leggings under a dress-By live love laugh

The first style that you can create is with leggings. So pair black leggings with your plain Kurti or flared frock. With it, you can pair silver-colored jewelry. All-black outfits are never out of trend in any season. You can wear it on any occasion. Pair your favorite sneakers with this outfit. Make sure the leggings are of ankle length. This is the perfect outfit for college girls and working women.

With Thigh-length Kurti

With Thigh-length Kurti-How to wear leggings under a dress-By live love laugh

Pair your thigh-length Kurti with black leggings. The combination of red with black looks great. Make sure the Kurti is thigh-length because short-length Kurti has hips show which does not look good at all. So make sure your hips should be covered whenever you wear leggings. Pair your favorite layered necklace and earrings with this outfit. You can pair any footwear with this outfit like shoes, and flat bellies.

Top with leggings

Top with leggings-How to wear leggings under a dress-By live love laugh

Top with leggings creates Indo western look. So pair your blacktop with black leggings. You can also wear a top of another color. Wear a top with hips length so that the hips are not visible in the top. If you want to wear shorts or a crop top then you can pair a long cardigan or shrug with it. That will make you look instantly smart. Pair your favorite sneakers and fewer accessories with this outfit.

With long shirt

With long shirt-How to wear leggings under a dress-By live love laugh

A long shirt with leggings gives western look. So pair your long check shirt with leggings. Make sure the length of the shirt is up to the knees or slightly above the knees. You can also wear the leggings with the top and overlay the shirt. If you are a college girl or working woman this is a super western outfit for you. You will not lose your confidence at all. You can wear it all day long comfortably. Pair your pointed heels or casual shoes with this outfit. You can also wear leggings while traveling.

With tunic dress

With tunic dress-How to wear leggings under a dress-By live love laugh

The other tip to style leggings under a dress is that pair your leggings with a tunic top. The tunic top looks fabulous because it has a fabric flowy type, which gives a great look when paired with leggings. When pairing leggings with any dress, be sure to consider your body shape and the length of the dress. Make sure the length of the dress is up to the knees or thighs. Shorten dresses don’t look good with leggings.

With a skirt or short dress

With a skirt or short dress-How to wear leggings under a dress-By live love laugh

You can pair your leggings with a short dress or skirt as well. If you like to wear short and mini dresses but their legs are visible so you feel a little uncomfortable. So don’t worry just style your skirt with your favorite top and pair leggings under the skirt.

You will not feel gorgeous and uncomfortable. You can also pair leggings with a short dress. You can wear this dress on any occasion without feeling uncomfortable. So guys these are some ways to wear the leggings under a dress. So if you like these tips then must follow them and share them with your friends.


Q. What are leggings?

Ans. Leggings are the most comfortable bottom wear for women. She can wear it with any dress like a skirt, short dress, Kurti, top.

Q. How to style leggings with Kurti?

Ans. You can pair your flowing Kurti with leggings and also you can go for Thigh-length Kurti with black leggings.

Q. How to style shrug with leggings?

Ans. Just pair your leggings with a top and overlayer with a shrug or long cardigan.

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